

Encouraging Hospital Gowns
  • A close up of a white leaf on a white background.

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    My name is Sharon. In March 2020 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I got the news, I just said, "God, it's in your hands" I didn't ask why Lord, I accepted my plight and laid it all at the feet of Jesus, who is my sole provider and comforter. I went through surgery, chemo and radiation, was it easy, no. The cancer journey was extremely HARSH, but through it all, I trusted God, never once complained, and still didn't ask why. Day by day I blessed the Lord for another day of renewed grace, mercy and strength. My husband was absolutely amazing and he never once complained, but he prayed. When the days got harder, I just groaned and bless the Lord. God has planted some wonderful coworkers and dearest prayer Warriors in my life. My mother and father kept praying, there were no time for self pity, but thanksgiving to the one true God. The story is long, but I can testify that through it all I learned to trust in Jesus, and at the end of it all, I was more than conqueror. I received this beautiful throw blanket from this amazing lady. The first time I met her, she told me she has a gift for me, when I received the blanket, it told my story, of true Courage during this battle with cancer. Each day when I make my bed, the last thing to go on is my soft, sweet smelling, grey throw blanket that says, "STAY ENCOURAGED" This blanket reminds me that there is always strength in tough times and even when we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, there remains a greater light in the darkness, who told me, He's the light of the world. I choose to follow the light of all lights who is Jesus Christ my God. No matter the circumstances that we face, we have to dig deep inside and STAY ENCOURAGED as the blanket states.


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Encouragement Hospital Gowns


Phone: 770-256-8995

Email: gownsofencouragement@gmail.com

Fax: 678-507-0892


1300 Ridenour Boulevard Suite #100
Kennesaw, Georgia 30152

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